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VOL. 1, ISSUE 1                                                                           3.2.2025

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Journeying with Jesus through the Eyes of John

  • March 5, Ash Wednesday, Psalm 51, Psalm 90

  • March 9, Jesus’ Disciples, John 1

  • March 16, Jesus with Nicodemus and the Samaritan Woman, John 3-4

  • March 23, Jesus Feeds the 5000, John 6

  • March 30, Jesus Raises Lazarus from the Dead, John 11

  • April 6, Jesus is Anointed, John 12

  • April 13, Pack the Pews Palm Sunday, John 12

  • April 17, Maundy Thursday, John 13

  • April 18, Good Friday, John 19

  • April 20, Resurrection Sunday, John 20


March 2

April 4

April 19

April 30

May 4

Event 1

Event 2

Event 3

Event 4

Event 5


  • January - February Highlights: Socks and underwear donated to Reveal Resource Center; Scholarship for El Salvador Mission Trip

  • March Mission: Partners in Hope (Cedar Park)

  • April Mission: AGMC Benevolence Fund (including Lent offerings)

  • Easter Offering: Burgas sister church in Bulgaria (international), Mid-Texas Annual Conference New Church Fund (regional), and Christian Resource Center (local)


March 2

April 4

April 19

April 30

May 4


March 2

April 4

April 19

April 30

May 4


What is something unique about you?

I tend to overhelp those that trust me with their challenges, their issues and things that pull them down. If an acquaintance, I find them the help-and introduce them to those that can make an impact for them in their life. Examples are Doctors, Lawyers, CPA's, counselors and Pastors


What do you like most about Austin Global Methodist Church?

I enjoy seeing the sharing of love and closeness when I walk into the lobby/chapel/ or classrooms. The smiles are infectious.


What would be your dream vacation?

We are taking it in May--Greece, Italy and the cruise between them--11 days of additional Ports of call.


What would be your dream dinner?

Italian food made by an old Italian.


What is your favorite hymn or worship song and why?

Here I am Lord


What story in the Bible do you enjoy the most?

Jesus feeding the 5,000---We have stood in that very place


What cause or mission is most important to you and why?

Anything involving helping children's causes and veterans with challenges


What is something unique about you?

I tend to overhelp those that trust me with their challenges, their issues and things that pull them down. If an acquaintance, I find them the help-and introduce them to those that can make an impact for them in their life. Examples are Doctors, Lawyers, CPA's, counselors and Pastors


What do you like most about Austin Global Methodist Church?

I enjoy seeing the sharing of love and closeness when I walk into the lobby/chapel/ or classrooms. The smiles are infectious.


What would be your dream vacation?

We are taking it in May--Greece, Italy and the cruise between them--11 days of additional Ports of call.


What would be your dream dinner?

Italian food made by an old Italian.


What is your favorite hymn or worship song and why?

Here I am Lord


What story in the Bible do you enjoy the most?

Jesus feeding the 5,000---We have stood in that very place


What cause or mission is most important to you and why?

Anything involving helping children's causes and veterans with challenges

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