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A Mind to Work

Rev. Lauren Green Yates

Dear Austin Global Methodist Church,

On July 14th, we started our first sermon series, “Revive Us Again”, a deep dive into the Book of Nehemiah. So far, we have learned about the importance of repentance, returning to the ancient path, and rebuilding what the enemy tried to destroy.

This week’s challenge is to ensure that our hearts and minds are set to work to build something for the Kingdom of Christ. One day we will build an actual church building of our own. We will all be called upon to give, build, and invite. We must be willing to get our hands dirty with a hammer in one hand and the Sword of the Word of the Lord in the other. But rather than just set our sights on building something for ourselves, let us set our minds to build something great for the Kingdom, build on the solid foundation of Jesus Christ.

This coming Sunday, we will come to the end of the Book of Nehemiah but not the end of the story. Chapters seven through thirteen focus on the revival that swept the people of God as a result of repenting, returning, and rebuilding. The story of Nehemiah will continue with us as we apply its lessons to our lives. I encourage all of you to read through the Book of Nehemiah as we continue the sermon series.

On this Communion Sunday, prepare you hearts for the revival that God has in store for us. Pray for salvations, baptisms, new members, new visitors, and new opportunities to transform lives with the Living Word. May the Lord revive us again and fill us with his praises until we meet again.


Rev. Lauren Green Yates, MDiv.

Pastor of Austin Global Methodist Church

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