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Thy Kingdom Come

Rev. Lauren Green Yates

Week One of “Thy Kingdom Come” Reading Plan: Matthew 1-2

This past Sunday, we finished our first sermon series, “Revive Us Again,” a deep dive into the Book of Nehemiah. We learned about the importance of repentance, returning to the ancient path, rebuilding what the enemy tried to destroy, and recommitting ourselves to revival. Our prayer is that with the help of the Holy Spirit, revival will begin in our hearts, in our church, and spread to Austin and beyond.

Starting Sunday August 11, we will begin a new sermon series on the Book of Matthew called “Thy Kingdom Come”. Admittedly, Matthew is my favorite Gospel account. Matthew, a former tax collector turned devoted disciple of Jesus, wrote in a style that a Jewish audience would have appreciated and there is so much in this book Christians can learn from today.

As we travel through the Book of Matthew, we will see Jesus as King of kings. I encourage you these next ten weeks to read through the Book of Matthew slowly, with new eyes and open hearts. I will include the reading plan each week in this sermon series. The first sermon, “Emmanuel: God with Us,” will concentrate on the miraculous birth of the King of kings. Yes, we will be celebrating Christmas early in August! In preparation for next Sunday’s message, read Matthew 1-2.

Next Sunday will also be a special day: Back to School Backpack Blessings. We invite everyone in the community who is a student or school staff member to come to Austin Global Methodist Church to have their backpacks or work bags blessed for the upcoming school year. We want to send our students and staff into the mission field of their schools with the blessing of the Lord on them. Please invite your family, friends, and neighbors and tell them to bring their backpacks!

God be with you all until we meet again. May God use each of you to bring revival into the city of Austin through the Living Word!


Rev. Lauren Green Yates, MDiv.

Pastor of Austin Global Methodist Church


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