Reading Plan: Matthew 14-15
This week, 101 plus people worshipped together in the Black Box Theater at Concordia. It was an awesome time of learning and worship together. This coming week, we will be back in the chapel.
On September 15th, we will be welcoming a very special guest: Rev. Dr. Margarita Todorova of Bulgaria! Dr. Margarita will preach this week and tell of the good work going on in our sister conference in Bulgaria. This month our mission focus will for the Bulgarian Conference. If you donate, please be sure to mark the offering as “Bulgaria Offering”.
This next week, let’s read Matthew 14-15. Though there won’t be a sermon on this section, pay special attention to the miracle of Christ feeding thousands of hungry people. Jesus truly is the One who can satisfy us with good things. His provision is always miraculous!
As you go forth into the city of Austin and beyond, sow your gospel seeds. Tell others your “Jesus Story”. Tell others the Good News. Go and revive people with the Living Word!
Rev. Lauren Green Yates, MDiv.
Pastor of Austin Global Methodist Church