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Thy Kingdom Come: Week 3

Rev. Lauren Green Yates

Reading Plan: Matthew 5-7

This week, we continued our new sermon series on the Book of Matthew called “Thy Kingdom Come” and focused on the baptism of Jesus and his victory in the wilderness. Jesus humbly submitted to baptism, emptied himself of self in the desert, and resisted temptation to emerge victorious from the wilderness. Jesus is the walking, living breathing Word made flesh. He alone is qualified to be King and Messiah.

Next Sunday, we will continue looking for the King in the Book of Matthew and you will hear the BEST SERMON EVER! (Not mine, Jesus’ “Sermon on the Mount”) I encourage you to read Matthew 5-7 in preparation for next week and all the things Jesus will show us through the Word.

This week the students at Concordia University will be coming back to school. As sharers of this beautiful space, we will have a unique opportunity to bless the students in some upcoming missional opportunities: move in day (August 22, meet up at 9am, email me for more details), the Welcome Back Party (August 26 from 3-5pm, email for more information), serving snacks on some Thursday nights at the Refuge worship service (details coming soon), etc. Please pray for the students as they come back to school. Pray that our church can be a home away from home for those students looking for a church family.

At Austin GMC, our goal is to revive people with the Living Word. Let us share our victory stories with others, so they may know that Jesus is King. God be with you all until we meet again.


Rev. Lauren Green Yates, MDiv.

Pastor of Austin Global Methodist Church


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